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“Australia needs to know that students won’t wait forever” say international students

If all goes well, a batch of international students will arrive back in Australia at the end of November on a charter flight from Singapore. Tickets on this exclusive flight are believed to be setting Charles Darwin University students back AUD$2,500 for one of 70 available seats.

For student Afiq Ramizi, the lack of job opportunities makes Australia less attractive. Photo: Afiq Ramizi

Australia universities have provided $110 million to students in need to date

But for the majority of international students, the waiting game continues – and the government’s attitude towards international students during the pandemic is damaging Australia’s reputation as a study destination among some student communities.

“I applied for more than 10 requests for an exemption to return to get mandatory in-person training but was denied despite having letters of support from my university,” one international student who wished to remain anonymous told The PIE News.

Australia initially closed its border in March to all but Australian citizens, permanent residents and several other categories not including students. Certain classes of students are able to apply to individual states and territories for exemptions.

“I am really worried that if borders don’t open by January 2021, I will have no choice but to withdraw from my program which is not only educationally devastating but also emotionally devastating as I worked so hard to get into this program,” she continued.

“The Australian government is not doing enough at all. We have completely been left behind and it’s so disappointing to see a country I love doing this.”

“I applied for more than 10 requests for an exemption to return to get mandatory in-person training but was denied”

Minister for education Dan Tehan has said that the priority for the federal government remains getting all Australians home who want to come home by Christmas.

“And then we also want to see a focus on international students in the lead up to the commencement of semester one next year,” he added.

The restrictions have not only interrupted studies, but separated students from their families. Iffat Lamia, whose husband is an international student, waited in Bangladesh for 11 months to obtain student dependent visas for herself and her two-year-old daughter.

“But now we can’t go because of this travel ban,” she explained.

“My husband misses our daughter every single moment. He can’t come to us to spend his holidays. She Facetimes her daddy many times a day. She can’t talk properly but she misses her dad and cries for him.”

Lamia told The PIE that in their eight years of marriage, she and husband had never spent more than one week apart.

“Whereas now we have no idea when we are going to meet with each other again,” she said.

“Other countries have started to allow students and student dependants but Australia doesn’t give any information, no condolences, nothing at all.”

The pandemic has further heightened frustrations international students already have with government policy towards them.

“Most of the time we get emails from our instructors highlighting that all these internships are just for national students, not for international students, or that webinars are just for national students, not international students,” explained Abdullah Aljunaibi, who is studying electrical engineering at Griffith University.

“All these internships are just for national students”

“I have never seen an email that stated this webinar or this internship is just for international students. Universities are not providing the best experience, despite the high fees students face.”

Other students who spoke to The PIE lamented that in places like New South Wales and Victoria, international students aren’t eligible for the same travel concessions as domestic counterparts, despite years of campaigning to put them on equal footing.

In fact, the only aspect of the Australian international education industry students were quick to praise were university staff, who they say have gone “above and beyond” to support them despite difficult circumstances.

I wasn’t expecting my university to be able to pull this off,” admitted Patrick Aung Khant Min at the University of New South Wales.

“But we have weekly sessions to make sure we study the lecture materials, we use Microsoft teams and Zoom for the lectures and tutorial classes,” he added, although he said that waking up at three or four in the morning for lectures due to four and a half hour time difference between Sydney and his native Myanmar wasn’t easy.

Of course, some courses do translate into digital better than others. For University of Melbourne data science student Yiran Wang, the switch to online learning wasn’t a huge problem, but she added that friends studying subjects like biology and chemistry have been more affected by the disruptions.

“They used to be able to have a two hour hands-on workshop, but right now it has been cut down to a 20-minute video,” she said.

According to Catriona Jackson, chief executive at Universities Australia, every Australian university has set up a hardship support fund, with $110 million having been provided to students in need to date.

“Australian universities are continuing to be as flexible and accommodating as they can to the needs of international students,” she added.

“[They] are doing all they can to stay as connected as possible with all their students.”

However even universities’ and other international students supporters’ best efforts may not be enough to stem the tide of growing dissatisfaction among some.

“The cost of living is very expensive. We invest so much in our education because we are hoping to have a future career here,” says Afiq Ramizi, a Malaysian commerce student at the University of New South Wales.

“But with the backdrop of Covid-19 and people losing jobs, it’s pretty hard to get a job right now. I got retrenched earlier in June,” he continued.

“I don’t think it’s the best time to come to Australia”

“Because of that, I don’t think it’s the best time to come to Australia.”

While some students are hopeful things will improve next year, there remains no indication of when the border will reopen.

The student who had applied for 10 exemptions to the travel ban further said she would no longer recommend Australia as a place to study right now.

“I’d recommend looking at countries who have borders open for students and who provided support for students,” she said.

“Australia needs to know that students won’t wait forever, we value our careers and education too much. We will go elsewhere.”

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67 Responses to “Australia needs to know that students won’t wait forever” say international students

  1. I think the student is right. If students need to work, Australia (and every other developed country) will not be great. Restaurants, shops and pubs are all open as usual here (unlike the UK and parts of the USA), but there will be less demand for hotels and tourism.

    However, like NZ, we have almost no cases of COVID in the community. I think for 2021, that might be more important for the parents of students from most countries.

  2. Completely agreed. I am also in the same situation. Already spent more than AUD 10,000 in my program. Deferred it once & now seeing no scope of borders to be open. It took me around one year to reach & worked so hard for it.
    Its a humble request to the government of Australia specially ACT, to allow the international students in with full precautions. I am a future student of Australian National University, in Masters of Biotechnology. A program that completely needs practical work & hands on.
    Hope this message will reach to you & will come on it soon.

    • Hi Magic
      I am in the exact same situation as you, got an offer to study at ANU but had no other option but to defer and the chances to ever reach seem bleaker and bleaker. I feel completely alone in the process so I am glad to have found this article and the subsequent comments.

  3. The Australian government should open the border’s for international students because in all over the world the students are traveling from one country to an other country such as UK or Canada

  4. Such a horrible attitude of Oz government towards International students who already pay 3 times the fee through which domestic students get a subsidy.

    Govt. is still shamelessly distributing student visas but not letting international students in. What’s the point of distributing suspended student visas? It is a scam by the government itself!

    I have heard that students are exploring ways to transfer credits of first semester to a UK or Canadian university. Atleast those governments value International students.

  5. The Australian government should open the border’s for international students because in all over the world the students are going to an other countries for their further study such as UK and Canada also opened their border’s

  6. It’s sad to see how students have been left stranded abroad. This makes me wonder either I should go to Australia or not since they have approved my visa last week after months of waiting.

  7. I am wondering to meet my wife since last 1.5 years.If Indian Cricketers allow to travel to Australia without any exemptions than why people those who are seperated with their families are waiting to see each other. Afterall, all we are humans we all have feelings. Why Australia is not working in huminity and compassionate. Really disappointing behaviour by Morrison Government.

  8. I am not a student. Due to infection rates on the increase from other countries Australia needs to be vigilant. To me if student is able to isolate in medi hotel for 14 days at own cost and adhere to the quarantine requirements I see no problem.
    Students need to calm I believe they will let them in eventually this virus is highly contiguous sticky awful bug each country has a responsability to their citizens first sames as every country out there. Everyone just needs to be calm and patient it will happen.

    • I completely understand your concern and I myself would never want to risk the health of Australians. (About myself: I have an offer for a PhD placement in Australia. I have very good grades from a great university in the UK. What I’m trying to say is that I could get a PhD at lots of places but the project in Australia interested me. Now I’ve been waiting for months and there is no end in sight. I can’t get a proper job in the meantime since I can’t say how long I could stay on. I’d be ok to spend my hard earned money to get a covid test before the flight and pay for the hotel quarantine and test when I get to Australia. But I have now gotten to a point where I am looking elsewhere. Because there is no timeline and I am stuck here waiting and checking the news daily. This emotionally and financially draining.

  9. Yes, Australian government should listen to the Student’s cries of concern. Border should be opened now. Even UK and Canada has allowed international travel.

    • My sentiments, exactly. Internatiinal students should Not expect the Australian government to treat them the same as its citizens. As a student, you should have enough funds to cover you and Not expect & depend to have a job to cover your expenses. If you reckon other countries are open, then, go there – not in Australia.

  10. The government knows what’s best for it’s people and they have taken actions accordingly. I myself am an immigrant on a temporary visa who has received no benefits whatsoever and also lost my job for a short period at the peak of the pandemic. I’ve not seen my family for close to 4 years. But I don’t complain. The government did not ask me to move to Australia to pursue my higher education. The government did not promise any benefits and in fact clearly advise international students to carry enough funds to meet the minimum cost of living expenses. The government did not guarantee a job for me. These are and were my choices!
    Also, for a matter of fact, the state governments have given a lot of support to international students although they are not obligated to. I’m sure the governments in none of the countries we immigrants come from would provide that kind of support. Local communities have also done a lot to provide support. As a non citizen, It would be not be right to expect the same benefits a citizen is entitled to.
    People need to be practical. If other countries have opened their borders to international students, then who is stopping you for migrating there?
    Yes, cricketers from India were allowed. Australia is a sporting nation and it needs to put itself back on track. May be the sporting events matter more to them than international students do.
    For a matter of fact, there are still many Australian citizens who are unable to get into their homeland. If you were the government, who would you prioritise? Your citizens or an immigrant/ student/ dependant on a temporary visa?
    People need to stop playing the ’emotional/ humility / compassionate’ card. Leave those for people in countries like Yemen/Syria who suffer for no fault of theirs.
    Uncertainties are a part of life. All we can do is be prepared.

    • Thank you for your insights. I disagree with every statement you made. First of all, you argued that the government knows what’s best for its citizens. Firstly I would like to suggest that the opposite is true, and perhaps you can find so many different examples in history and academia that support my claim. This statement you made is also fallacious, as the government is not even letting in its own citizens. If you think that international students want preferential treatment and priority over Australian citizens, you’re completely wrong. This pandemic has simply shown that the federal government is unable to communicate with state governments.
      Secondly, you argue that a lot of support has been given to international students. I’d like you to support your claim with proof instead of flailing that statement about, especially given the many dissatisfied opinions online.
      Thirdly, you boldly stated that if other places have opened their borders, then we should go elsewhere. That statement was very hurtful and dishonest. The reason why we’re not leaving is that we’ve already invested a lot of money in Australia, and we want our voices to be heard. Would you like to lose $k10, and change your plans all of a sudden? Good for you for being this rich, friend.
      Your cricket statement doesn’t even deserve a reply.
      I agree with the citizens statement. I would argue that the government isn’t really prioritising at all. In fact, they’re only making things worse, with a bigger number of travel exemptions outside of Australia for short trips than exemptions in.
      Finally, your statement about leaving compassion out the door makes me quite angry and I sincerely hope you’ll never find yourself in the same situation as some of us. Comparing people’s suffering to one another is terrible. It’s not a competition.

      Shame on you

  11. Well boo hoo to international students. Its a rrisk they all take choosing to study overseas. And frankly, any jobs opening up should be the preserve of Australian citizens and those with permanent residence vusa who can prove they have actually lived here continuously for at least two years prior to COVID. So unless these whining international students can afford to pay for flights (and do not take the place of returning citizens), can pay for quarantine and can fully support themselves financially without a job, tbey should stay home. Australia is not responsible for them any more than their country is responsible for ‘stuck’ Australians.

    • @kss Firstly, it is not a risk to study abroad. It is education not war. I hope you dont think students should fear coming to Australia, should they?

      Secondly, are you seriously insecure about uber eats riders? I wont even call that a job.

      Thirdly, each student flying in will anyway be paying for medical insurance, flight, quarantine, and then 3X tuition fees.

      AND, he will also pay income tax exactly at same rate as you pay. But alas! He will not get any medical or govt benefits. He may get a “boo hoo” from you though. 😀

      Next time you see a student working, do remember that your unemployment allowance might be having a teeny-weeny contribution from his income tax too. Cheers!

    • I completely understand your points. And I myself as an international student would feel horrible if I’d take a seat of an Australian trying to get back to their families. But I’d like to say something to one of your points. I’d be willing and able to pay for my flights, covid test, quarantine etc. (and completely understand that this is necessary. I don’t want to bring covid into the country that would be horrible!). I also don’t expect to get a job or benefits. There is still no plan on when I can come into the country. Yes, being an international student is a risk but as a PhD I was hoping to add something to the Australian scientific community. I have an excellent background and could have gone to other universities but I was hoping to bring this knowledge to Australia to strengthen your scientific excellence. And I didn’t mind waiting for a while. But I don’t know how much longer I’m willing to do this without there being a plan and a timeframe I can prepare for. So to conclude I support Australia trying to be as safe as possible and I support Australians being prioritised. But Australia also needs to know that they will loose excellence in the scientific community if they don’t start to give a timeframe that won’t be changed every two weeks (because even if the date would be next September I could get a job in my field in the meantime which I cannot with the current uncertainty).

  12. Agreed, international student fee is high, quality of study is low and no opportunities.Some times I feel like, is it a scam?

    My hope and faith is gone. Not even human is respected. We are not even considered as human nor student. Are we slave ?

    My per subject fee is $ 4500 +.i study 4 subjects per month. And quality of study is poor. Do you think i am millioner. We came here to get better life not to staisfy peoples luxiory life. We came here becauee we want to make difference in our life and hoping to give world something. Are we dogs?

    Is this education system or business.

    I wonder.

    • It’s a business, yes, they don’t care about you. They see you as a debt slave.

      It’s all part of the population ponzi scheme to benefit a few industries, namely construction, real estate and banking. If you can lock people into being debt slaves for 40 years, it’s a win win for these industries.

      The University VCs figured this out as well and that’s why they charge so much for dodgy courses and pay themselves so much money.

      All Australia wants is debt slaves to take on more debt, because we cannot do anything else anymore.

      This whole thing will blow up eventually, because Morrison and Albo can only kick the can down the road for so long. By then they will both have cushy corporate gigs – not because they have any talent whatsoever, but because of the information they can provide. Look at Christopher Pyne and his job at EY. Do you think they hired him for his talent?

      Treat every politician, bureaucrat and vested interest as a corrupt liar. Question everything they say and do your own research.

  13. I also agree. The tuition fee is definitely not a small amount of money as an international student who had to come back to my country. However, we are not getting the exact decent experience due to lack of information that we are getting. I always search up for the articles to see better news and check the situations around Australia But I always can not predict when am I going to be able to go back and enjoy studying at campus. I really wish I can go back to Sydney and see my friends again soon:/

  14. International students bring extreme amounts of money to Australia. Through visa application, tuition, rent, daily expenses, travel, you name it. When uni is over, many of them stay here, so they buy units or houses. Tuition fees for residents is cross financed from the higher fees charged to international students. Unis operate based on an expected number of students, including international ones. Courses are offered, teachers are employed based on the expected numbers if students.
    The construction industry is also dependent on increasing population.
    All this collapses without international students.
    Also, the world is in a global race for talent. We don’t want talent to find better places to go than Australia.
    Just my 2 cents.

    • It’s already collapsing at my uni, usually they would have a normal summer semester offering every subject as they do during normal semesters. But this November they changed the summer semester drastically, offering only 1 subject for every year and fast tracking it. So instead of doing the semester in the usual 12 weeks, they are doing it in 6 weeks. Trust me man, universities will start mass firing and readjusting their budgets big time in 2021 and going forward. Plus with so many international students disappointed in Australian ways and it’s systems overall they won’t be coming back in the usual numbers by a long shoot. Also you need to account it’s a huge financial crisis all over the world and many people simply won’t have money to study in australia and will either study in their country or at a cheaper European country that had bang in or better institutions than Australia. When university is a business this is only to be expected, and in my opinion as a somewhat disappointed international student it’s a good thing that the bubble is bursting. A respected country should of never allowed for things to get out of hand and for education to become a pipeline like experience. I would say Australian education and teachers experience is on pair to those in third world. Take this feedback as you wish, but you guys should focus on manufacturing and actually creating something rather than on services this much. If not for natural wealth (mining), Australia would be in a very different position and a much poorer country. But thats ok, you already have emissions laws that match third world countries.

  15. So beyond frustrating! A country like Australia doesn’t have the resources to bring back its stranded citizens? It’s not even a huge number! They’ve asked us all to apply for visa regardless, I’m still waiting for mine after almost 4 months now. Feels like I made the biggest mistake of my life by choosing Australia over other countries.

  16. I completed my bachelor of information technology degree last year and have been looking for a job since then. 99% jobs are for local students only. I was interviewed for a job and the first question the interviewer asked me was that
    if I was a permanent resident of Australia. My answer was negative and he didn’t ask any further questions. He said this position is for locals only.

    It doesn’t matter how qualified you are for the job you will not get the job unless you are Australian citizen or permanent resident.

    Even entry level graduate role and internship are not available for international student.

    We pay a lot of money for our education but they don’t even give us travel concession.

    This is all our fault, why did we come? Unfortunately these discriminatory treatments were not mentioned in any of the university website or in any other advertisements. If I knew I would have never wasted my parent’s money coming to Australia. Before coming to Australia, all I heard is that Australia is the 3rd most popular destination for education, there are lots of opportunities, lots of support for international students. But, the reality is totally opposite.

    I spent 90k for my 3 years degree. It’s been 1 year since I completed my degree and haven’t got any job opportunity because of the discriminatory treatments.

    • What you said is 100% true @Suraj… we have been tricked to come to Australia and after we spent all our money here they will get rid of us in ingenious ways. All we could manage to find is labour jobs which doesn’t require any skills I am not here to do casual jobs even after having masters degree form great UWA what a shame
      Without a local experience a degree is a mere piece of paper when we return to home countries,there is no scope for international students in Australia.
      But I am glad tables are turning now and people realising how Australia is tricking international students. Even after they open borders I don’t think no one gone opt Australia as study destination because they too have Brian’s not just Australian policy makers moreover Biden has come to power and signed immigration policy reforms who cares for Australia if USA opens its doors

  17. My daughter is year 9 student, only 14 years old girl, she always feels herself is abandoned and depressed, lack of energy for study and others activities or communication with others since she trapped in her country and can’t go back to her school and friends. Have the Morrison government ever concern their mental health and the reality of international students facing with since the government blocked the broader and never have clear response to students ?

    • Are you insane do you have any idea tha international student pay triple the price for the fee than local students,after they finish degree they dont get job because they are not resident of Australia .Do you have any idea what struggling in foreign country feels like ,though they are 100 times cappablw than m their boss they still are not promoted ,given more hours because they are student.Are you on ur right mind at all foreign students have to pay full fare in public transportation .This is waht uneducated looks like do ur study first before blaming on others and gussing around..

      • @Dd I agree with you
        It’s just matter of time they will realise the importance of international students…some people here are bringing out their verbal diarrhoea who are high school dropouts don’t know they are parasites on us …

  18. International education is a scam. It is not an export – they work here to pay for the course and I bet actually remit money back home (making it actually an import … of labour). They are here for the permanent residency options.

    If it is an “export” then of course they should pay full freight for their public transport – they add congestion and the whole system operates at a loss funded by taxpayers.

  19. Students from Singapore are integral to our economy and serve no threat, there are currently zero community cases in Singapore. We know because we are here, we know because we lived through a slick process early. Singapore students plus Australians trying to return home from Singapore should be quarantining at home (of course with correct tracing and check protocols) and free the spaces for hotel quarantine to those stranded in Europe and the USA for example.

  20. I’m stunned that any international student thinks Australian taxpayers should support them. Right now, tens of thousands of taxpaying Australians are stuck overseas – and incurring huge day-to-day expenses – and over one million Australians are suddenly unemployed and almost 50% of previously-working Australians are now on some for form of handout. It may come as a surprise to you, but millions of taxpaying Australians are now rapidly sliding into real poverty. I think we know how much gov assistance Australians would get if they were marooned in the countries from which most international students derive. Nothing! Besides, many universities and state governments are providing real assistance to many foreign students, yet they have no legal obligation to do so, and the work rights for those on students visas – along with their partners – are some of the most generous in the world. The terms of your visa are made very clear to you before you opt to come to Australia. By the way, please refrain from using the ‘mental health’, depression’ and ‘stress’ tropes; they’re tiresome and don’t cut any ice with anyone.

  21. Put Australian students first. What places that are left after all Australian students have applied can then go to international students. Cut fees for all Australian students. Universities are to teach our young students a trade and profession to support our country not to make money, universities are NOT a business. Don’t allow work visa for international students. If they can afford to pay the uni fees here they should be able to support themselves. Give out a certain amount of scholarships on humanitarian grounds but they need to have strict guide lines. More thorough screening for foreign students to determine if they are a threat to our country now and in the future. Any connection to communist or radical groups should automatically be cause for rejection. And this is just a start. Get our education facilities back to educating our own youngsters .

  22. , The Australian government should open the border’s for international students because in all over the world the students are going to other countries for their further studies such as UK and Canada also opened their border’s

  23. Please open the border for international students! Just do whatever you have to do with the quarantine, covid check etc. Just bring back international students back!

  24. Problem is not only about COVID cases, which acc to me are not going anywhere even with travel restrictions and what not, but So many students landing in Australia will take up Part time jobs, which are not there currently. This is more of a run away from situation than face the problem attitute of this govt. COVID is a part of life now and govts need to realize to live with it. 8 months and if you still do not have policies to live with it, just shows the intelligence of the govt.

  25. My son is studying in Sydney Australia, even for very very important work we can’t call him to India, because of the uncertainty of returning back to Australia for remaining course.
    Australia should allow international student to return to Australia even with rules like 14 days quarantine and other precautionary measures to prevent the spread of corona virus.
    I urge Australian govt to think and do some for many international students in early 2021.

  26. Australia government should open borders for international students as soon as possible with precautions of cause even if its quarantine cost . It’s sad and frustrating.

  27. Australia has zero obligation to allow foreigners in while its borders are closed to citizens going out. Additionally, until there is a vaccine, foreigners pose a high risk to the Australian community, given all recent cases of COVID in Australia spring from international travelers.

  28. Why not bring cruise ships to Australia and let foreign students quarantine for 2 weeks – at their expense- before allowing them to attend university?

    Dozens of cruise ships are just sitting in port. It would be a win win win win for Australia, their universities, international students and the cruise industry.

    I have already deferred once. If the semester does not begin live in February 2021, I will be cancelling my master’s program and obtaining a refund.

  29. I think it is good the international students have been cancelled, it’s much safer for the residents so Scott Morrisons popularity is rising. This is the right policy until Covid is brought under control which may take many years.

  30. { copied the first part from another site – written by another Australian } I couldn’t be happier with the demise of the Australian university sector which has become a factory for international students, many of whom should never have been accepted as their standard of English is poor and their culture such that they do not interact in the class room. The notion that a university education is a universal right and the expectations, many that have turned out to be false, created in the minds of the students and their aspirational parents, lies at the heart of the demise of quality of that education that is now so obviously apparent. Australian universities are not what they used to be. I can only hope that most go to the wall.
    You take our kids jobs / you overcrowd our cities and roads and your only objective [ according to studies done more than 65 % of OS students come to Australia to study only to get permanent residency for themselves and their parents ]
    Universities need to be locked down permanently to provide for Australian students ONLY and the immigration agents and brokers who earn a sizable living from brokering these Visa approvals should be BANNED
    There will be a major revolt by Australians against universities / developers and the state govts running their economies of immigration
    Urbanisation and unit developments are creating chaos with our people / resources / infrastructure and wildlife . I / we call for the STOP of overseas students

  31. They should know we can no longer wait, now a year is gone still yet to fix date of us coming over and what of our school fees will it be refund back cos we are tired of waiting please do something. Thanks

  32. Read every comments felt so devastated for us as international students being treated unfairly by policies during COVID. If the government cannot do something for considering international students’ valuable time then why still kept issuing the student visa for an uncertain time of arrival? (which requires you to hold overseas student health cover for the whole length of the course before applying the visa) Why is that so funny students are not even there and they issued the student visa with health insurance paid while not even in the country! So ridiculous!

    Like other countries all have standard instructions for no matter test or 14 days quarantine before entering, which is very understandable. But the Australian Government is not doing anything while they can’t even bring back their own citizens, what do we international students expect? We paid as much taxes on the living expenses and 3 times of the tuitions. If it’s not staying in the country for so many years of studies already, restarting for anyone isn’t a simple of click, I regreted my time choosing Australia at the first place.

    Deferred my offer for the whole year and not seeing any hope for the coming semester in 2021, why would I wasting that amount of money to studying abroad online, hell no! Meanwhile now wasting my time for waiting to be able to go back is so unfair, not even being treated properly for the investment of time and money.

  33. I mean, we are not dogs or slaves we are humans too, in our own countries we have health insurances too, I can understand and don’t mind paying that health insurance through the duration of staying in Australia, but under the circumstance now paid for the overseas student health cover for obtaining the student visa with no point to use it whatsoever, what are we?your cashcows for booming up your insurance companies under this time for no services for sure? Please treat us as normal human, we are not your ATMs!

  34. No one should study in Australia, it’s a total waste of time and money. If you want a good education and access to the best jobs, go to an American university. Even a B-grade American uni is better than the best that Australia has. Australia can’t offer anything to people without a permanent visa and even the citizens work for third-rate firms like Deloitte and ANZ.

  35. The Australian government is not prepared to deal with the covid situation. The whole world is moving forward with the Virus. Everyone is accepting the situation and trying to become normal.
    But the Australian government imposes a lockdown on 5-10-15 cases. In this way, I don’t think they are going to open their borders in 2021.
    I would say… If you haven’t paid fees yet then please don’t pay later too.
    You will be trapped if you pay.

  36. I paid my one year fees and waiting for borders reopen Australian Government is not considering students career… In that case why did they approved student visa… It’s really very bad

  37. I reached Australia last year, just a month before the Covid virus spread started here.. Even though I’m greatful to be in Australia (I study in Perth, which is probably the safest capital city in Australia) before the pandemic but I’m quite frustrated about all the classes being delivered online.. But still I know its even frustrating for students who are yet to come here.. My best friend back in India has also applied at a uni here but since we have not yet received any positive news regarding the border opening, he is very much frustrated for not being able to come here..

  38. All countries planned for their future educational policies specially countries like Australia who’s economy and institution depends upon international students due to huge intake may suffer due to delay of opening borders while other competitor countries letting them inn. This is chain reaction that leads to decrease trust of international on Australian institution n govt.

  39. I applied from April 2020 for admission to study PhD but because I couldn’t got my admission because aknown future plan as the University says. My friend prefer to choose another country to study because they have planned to the future with covid stuation and they already started studying and I’m still waiting.

  40. The Australian gov just trying to slowly kill itself off . If they want to keep the country covid safe then ,maybe just have students take tests and allow them to come back instead of full on not letting them in.

  41. Currently probably not worth the effort to return at the moment. Casual student jobs are very hard to find. This is due to local citizens avoiding travelling into central areas like Melbourne central in Victoria. Many resteraunts and small businesses are closing or having trouble staying open and when the government Covid assistance ends this March 2021) this could see more casual and full time job losses. Some pilot programs have been tried for returning students but this has resulted in rumoured small Covid outbreaks. Universal opinion is that the Federal Government although difficult is doing the right thing with travel bans. Everyone just has to be patient, most likely borders will remain closed for 12 to 24 Months even with a possible vaccine.

  42. Any student who is reading this comment… I advise not to pay a single penny to universities until we have a final verdict from the Australian Government that they are going to allow students from a specific date.

    Don’t waste your money on studying online from your country.

    With studies, we also want to expierence the lifestyle of Australia.

  43. Right now, Australia is the worst country to immigrate. I have applied for 489 since September 2019, was interested in Canada but my brother insisted to apply, as he himself is citizen of Australia. His intention was good to unite the family. It’s almost 2 years now and I regret my decision. No time frame is being given for the visa grant. Should have opted for Canada.

    Shove that Australian citizenship privilege in your down under ars*s.

  44. We understand your anger. Immigration is a huge sacrifice and our loss is Canada’s gain. However, no one in Australia thinks it is a good idea to allow in students from other countries before we get our own citizens back (the majority from India) and we have widespread vaccination.
    2022 is the most likely date for restarting immigration.

  45. Million students are treated badly by Australia. They want money taking admission but don’t let them come . Online study is so pathetic. We are not investing million of dollars on online study. If one day Australia faces some tragedy and other countries close door on their people then they will realise how selfish they have been . This rich country is rich because we study there and travel there if we stop Australia will not be that rich . Australia is playing game with students but one day Australia will pay . It will be cursed .

  46. Australia is not rich because of international students. You can see that right now, to everyone’s surprise, the economy is stronger. (This is despite a trade war with China.)

    We need international students to make our universities more diverse and attract talent from overseas. However, the colleges for immigration were providing some very dodgy qualifications, which were a disadvantage for both the immigrants and our society. I think the government is happy to let them fail. In addition, some university courses had let their standards fall to allow international students to pass ( and make easy money for the universities). I think the government is also happy to readjust this setting.

    Soon, we will need immigrants, but the feeling is that there will never be a shortage of people wanting to leave some countries. The terrible side-effect of all this is the students now who have started degrees, but who have to study online or defer, have to adjust or change their plans. However, compared to losing parents, this is much less serious.

    Please understand why most countries in the Pacific are trying to keep their elderly alive during this awful pandemic.

  47. Immigration Department is playing with the system as a part of bigger game of government and avoiding graduated international student to get the job by delaying 485 process 8-9 month. This will create a gap and company will not recruit fresh passed out student in result making ground to give inadequate
    PR and citizens to get the job.

    Otherwise it doesn’t give sense all passed out student who is already in Australia and have all documents but still taking that much time, isn’t it a game? don blame everything to covid.

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